सवारी साधन SUV JEEP (Model-2024) र (4WD Hardtop Jeep) खरिद गर्ने बारेको सिलबन्दी बोलपत्र आह्वानको सम्बन्धी सूचना।


Grameen Bikas Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Ltd. (GBLBS), formerly Nepal Grameen Bikas Bank Ltd., came into existence in 2014 August 15 (Shrawan 30, 2071) with a successful merger of the then five regional level Grameen Bikas Banks operated in the then five development regions of Nepal. The head office of the institution is located in Butwal, Rupandehi district of Lumbini Province.

GBLBS was registered as a public limited company on 30th July 2014 (Shrawan 14, 2071) under the Company Act, 2063 and is regulated under the Bank and Financial Institution Act, 2073. The name “Nepal Grameen Bikas Bank Ltd.” was changed into “Grameen Bikas Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Ltd.” as per the decision of the Annual General Meeting of the institution and approval of the Office of the Company Registrar (approval date: 2074/12/28).



To reduce poverty by creating self-employment opportunities for rural needy people through microfinance services at their doorsteps.

लघुवित्तको माध्यमबाट ग्रामीण विपन्न परिवारलाई स्वरोजगारको अवसर श्रृजना गरी गरीबी न्यूनिकरण गर्ने यस संस्थाको Mission रहेको छ ।


To uplift the social and economic condition of the rural poor people in Nepal.


नेपाल राज्यभरिका ग्रामीण विपन्नहरुको सामाजिक तथा आर्थिक अवस्था उकास्ने यस संस्थाको Vision रहेको छ ।


  • Savings
  • Voluntary Saving
  • Compulsory Saving
  • Loans
  • Collateral Based
  • Non-Collateral Based
  • Welfare Scheme
  • Social Awareness
  • Group Training
  • Client Protection
  • Women Empowerment
  • Natural Resources Management
  • Observation Tour
  • Leadership Development
  • Skill Development
  • Environment, Health & Sanitation
  • Family Planning, Child Care
  • Observation Tour
  • Non-Formal Education
  • Child Education
  • Non-Financial